49 to Rates Master Circular on Block Rakes/Mini Rake/Two Point Combination etc.2020/0(Minimum number of wagons to be loaded of BLSSA and BLSSB type of wagons.)ĭynamic Pricing Policy – levy of busy season chargeĬorri No 1 to RC No. Haulage Charge for movement of 40 feet containers(FEU)Ĭ orrigendum No. 93 to RMC/PCC,Corri 50 to RMC/Two Point and 12 to RMC/Weighment) of 'ACT1 and ACT2(A-Car, B-Car,C-Car)'(Corri no. Permissible Carrying Capacity(PCC),Loading Tolerance etc. ' Important Policy Measures for Freight Customers 'Ĭorrigendum No.95(One route of cc+8 LKU-KPV of NER)Ĭlassification of 'Ferro Chrome'.( Corrigendum No.3 to Rates circular No.30 of 2021)Ĭorrigendum No.94(Revision of PCC of BCNHL for loading of Sugar.Ĭlassification of 'Ferro Chrome'.( Corrigendum No.02 to Rates Circular No.30 of 2021)